Justice for All Gala 2016

Join us for our Justice for All Gala at Indiana Landmarks Center on Oct. 6, 2016! JFA is the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic’s largest annual fundraiser. This year, the gala will feature Bob Goff, New York Times best-selling author of the book Love Does. Board Chair Jenifer Brown believes the message of Bob's writing complements the mission of the Clinic perfectly. She says, “I’m hopeful he can serve as a reminder to us of the value of kindness and of love and inspire our donors, our staff, and our clients who will be in attendance to just do.”

In addition to a high-caliber speaker, the event will include heavy hors d'oeuvres and a chance to socialize and network. JFA Event Chair and Board Member Jason Reese is especially excited about expanding the reach of the gala this year. "Anytime we can bring the community of believers and followers together is a good thing," he says. "Especially where we have a high energy group who believes in social justice.”

As a non-profit civil legal aid provider that serves over 10,000 low-income people every year, the Clinic relies heavily on the support of the community. Director of Engagement Cassandra Sanborn hopes the event will introduce people to the multi-faceted nature of the Clinic. "Sometimes it’s really easy for the Clinic to be construed as an organization that’s sort of niche," she says. "People forget the fact that we’re serving domestic violence victims, and ex-offenders, and immigrants, and people who just have had a rough go in life in so many different ways. There’s a lot of areas for people to be interested in.”

Ultimately, Executive Director Chris Purnell sees the event as an opportunity for people of faith to become engaged in the work of justice. "Whether it’s financially or praying or giving their time," he says, "We want people to see themselves in the context of God’s story.”

Reserve your ticket today: justiceforallgala.org

Justice For All Keynote - Bob Goff
Justice For All Keynote - Bob Goff

Music by Philipp Weigl: http://goo.gl/amvzunMusic utilized and transformed in accordance with the Creative Commons License found here: https://goo.gl/hNRHCd


Generosity in Action


Abundant Sacrifice: A Message from Executive Director Chris Purnell