January Highlights

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This January, we shared Executive Director Chris Purnell's thoughts on what it means to walk alongside those in need and to receive such care well when we ourselves are in need. This whole year, we will be exploring the theme of Belonging through our social media and blog posts. And, as the year goes on, we hope to learn more about how you participate in this community as well.

Earlier this month, we shared a client story about a man who received notice that a judgment against him was procured with false evidence; we learned more about one of our longtime Certified Housing Counselors, Michael St. André; and we introduced two new board members to our readers.

Also, due to a new ruling regarding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has resumed accepting requests until further notice. Thanks to this change, the Clinic held a DACA Renewal Day on Saturday, January 20. With the help of 25 volunteers from Ice Miller and the community, the Clinic was able to assist 67 applicants in a single day!

Stay tuned this February as we introduce new blog features, as well as a special Valentine's Day post.

We're so grateful you belong with us!


Love Your Neighbor As Yourself: A Message from Director of Legal Services Brian Dunkel


Meet the Clinic’s New Board Members: Carol Hartman and John Gurchiek