Spring4Justice with the Clinic every year over the last 7 days in May!

Registration for Spring4Justice is open! If you are looking for the perfect activity to couple with your Indy 500 race attendance during Memorial Day weekend, this opportunity is a must! Not only is Spring4Justice a great way to get active during the most beautiful month of the year, but it also raises awareness and funds for Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic, enabling us to further our mission. The challenge offers a flexible time commitment and allows you to invite your friends into the fun. To learn more about Spring4Justice, check out the interview below with Lydia Bronner, the Clinic’s Community Engagement Manager.

Q: What is the history of Spring4Justice?

A: “Spring4Justice is a unique concept created and launched by our 2021 Young Professionals Advisory Board. It started as a Run-Walk-Roll idea and morphed to include a wider range of activities that challenge participants to get outside, be physically active, and help us promote justice in our community. In three years, it’s grown almost exponentially to increase awareness and raise funds for the Clinic.”


Q: What is your vision for Spring4Justice?

A: “My hope is that, in the next few years, Spring4Justice will become a staple event for, not only the Clinic, but the justice-minded community in Central Indiana. It has the potential to raise tons of awareness and funds to further the Clinic’s mission to provide access to justice to those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford legal services. I hope our supporters will catch onto the excitement and help us do big things through Spring4Justice!”


Q: What is one thing you want people to know about Spring4Justice?

A: “If I could emphasize one thing about Spring4Justice, it’s that it’s not as complicated or time intensive as it sounds at first. Meaningful participation could look like spending just a few minutes a day scrolling through social media and sharing the Clinic’s posts, and/or taking 1-2 days out of the 7 to complete a challenge and post your own photos. Think of a Facebook birthday fundraiser or a 5k charity event. This is similar. We just encourage you to get creative with the types of activities you complete in honor of the Clinic’s mission. Already have to walk your dog that week? Do that in honor of justice for the vulnerable. Want to kayak for justice? That works too! We’ll equip you with a user-friendly fundraising page and a Spring4Justice Guide. Just post (original content or ours) on social media with #Spring4Justice and your team’s fundraising link. To go above and beyond, add a sentence about why the Clinic’s work matters to you and how your friends can donate to help close the access-to-justice gap for marginalized Hoosiers.”

If you are interested in putting together or joining a team for the festivities, make sure you register by May 24 by clicking the button below. We hope that you will join us in the fun and are thankful for your participation! 


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Spotlight on Our Longest-Serving Staff Member, Julie Mennel