Get to Know Executive Director Erin Hall

An Interview with Executive Director Erin Hall

Nearly one year ago, Erin Hall took the helm as the Clinic’s executive director, helping to expand our mission of justice for the most vulnerable in our communities. Today we interview Erin to learn about her past experience, what promoting justice and mercy means to her personally, and her vision for the future. 


Q: There are many jobs lawyers can do.  What motivated you to leave your work with the Indiana Department of Transportation to lead the efforts at the Clinic?

A: I thoroughly enjoyed my work at INDOT. During my time there I established programs and developed them to a level of sustainability. Right about the time the Clinic was in need of an Executive Director, the programs I had developed at INDOT were operating smoothly and nothing seemed to need further development. It was a good time to transition and I felt the Lord calling my heart to work that is more ministerial.

Over the years I also enjoyed working statewide with the Disability Community in Indiana. This work, like what we do at the Clinic, is aligned with principles of mercy and justice, and my experience in that community further confirmed my calling.


Q: Tell us what the Clinic’s mission to promote justice and mercy means to you personally.

A: I am fortunate to have grown up in a strong faith-based community. In my adult life I have learned more and more what it means to live in step with the Spirit. That dynamic relationship often results in being prompted to do more acts of mercy, justice and compassion. To me, faith isn’t just something to be believed in principle but something to actively live out.

I have developed an administrative skill set and those skills can be used to promote, support and design systems in favor of mercy and justice. But this work isn’t just about a skill set.  Doing justice and showing mercy is something much deeper and more personal. 


Q: Do you believe the Clinic's work transcends the individual clients and matters to the broader community and to God?  If so, why?

A: Yes, by entering into the calling of providing free legal services, we are calling others into this work alongside us. More than 95% of low income legal needs are not being met. We are creating opportunities for others to serve and give to this work. The successes of our clients become testimonies of faith and God’s provision in our communities. 


Q: Now that you are almost a year into your role as executive director, what is your vision for the future of the Clinic?

A: “Relationships” is our theme word for 2023. I believe we need to reengage and engage more deeply in partnership with our legal and faith-based community partners to achieve sustainable support for our mission. We are committed to providing legal education for the public and access to legal services for Indiana’s most vulnerable. The Lord has called the Clinic to this work. I believe and pray that He will establish the work of our hands.


Thank you for taking time to get to know Erin Hall a little better. We are excited for the future of the Clinic and hope you will partner with us to ensure that justice is available for all people, regardless of their income. Please support our #Spring4Justice challenge by donating at and by sharing our social media posts about our mission. Thank you!




Re-Entry Justice Story: A Clean Start


Spring4Justice with the Clinic every year over the last 7 days in May!